

Rediscover india's royal heritage

About Us​

Parambariyam means heritage. Our heritage is what we have inherited from the past to value and enjoy in the present and to preserve and pass on to future generations. We showcase the incredible talent of artists by developing partnership with them to bring their Indian traditional artistic expressions to a wider public attention. Our hope is that with this collaborative work we can help sustain our rich cultural heritage. We firmly belive that viewing and owning art is an incredibly transformative experience and traditional Indian Art forms are a perfect medium to achieve it. Our specialities are Tanjour Paintings, Pattachitra Paintings, Silk Thread embroidery Paintings and more.


Our Vision

Be the platform for Indian traditional arts and artists to reach every art lover across the globe.

Our Mission

Empower traditional Indian artists to be world class digital exhibitors and make Indian art forms popular across the world.Â